In the past 48 hours Turangi has seen sunshine, hailstorms and everything in between. It is currently a gloomy rainy day here but who knows how long that will last. The Tongariro is flowing at 44.3 m3/sec. The recent rain has certainly had fish moving throughout the river and with the extra flow it has become perfect conditions for wet lining and spey fishing.
Regular shop visitor Pat tempted me to dawn the wet weather gear as he invited me out yesterday afternoon once the store was closed. Pat's weapon of choice was his 9' 7wt Redington Vice armed with a Guideline ULS sink 3/5/7 head, and I chose to fish my 11'3" 4wt Sage G5 Trout Spey paired with a 325gr Rio Trout Spey Skagit head and 10' T-8 light mow tip. It was a great afternoon that produced a couple well-conditioned fresh rainbows as the rain pelted us. Black and Olive flies were on the menu in the coloured water, and some great fights were had with the high flow. Thanks for the afternoon, Pat!
Guideline ULS Heads
We have received a very limited amount of Guideline ULS heads in both sink 2/4/6 and sink 3/5/7.
I may not be able to predict the weather at the moment but I'm pretty confident when I say these will not last long. Grab one HERE before they vanish.
Tim and I are manning the fort today, and Tim is once again smashing out more tasty trout treats at the vice for you all to enjoy. swing by and come check them out.
Tarn ><>.