Saturday 28th December 2024

Saturday 28th December 2024

Weather: Sunny, highs of ‎23°C and windy with wind dropping towards the end of the day

Tongariro Flow: 23.1 cumecs (m³/s)

The windy spell is almost over so we look forward to all our anglers getting back out on the lake and rivers!

Jigging has been in full swing with good reports of quality conditioned fish being landed! Smelt patterns working well as the top 2 flies with a green woolly bugger on the bottom. Trolling has also been productive with the larger 12g Toby's, the black and gold zebra still being the hot favourite.

The rivers have been fishing well with reports of great evening rises and the brave people out in the wind the past few days swinging wee wets when the wind is not so allowing of a delicate dry fly presentation! 

The brown trout have arrived in reasonable numbers as the team have been finding a few. Don't forget to slow down on the river edge & fish your feet as they are often sheltering in the shallows in the most unlikely places, being typical browns. Here's Mel who caught & landed her first brownie in the backcountry a few weeks back. Great to see those big smiles!

Backcountry missions have been excellent fun and providing good numbers of good conditioned fish. Come see us in store for selecting the best fly options for all situations! We have some great summer dry fly presentation lines including the RIO Elite Technical Trout which is the new summer-line love of my life! A beautiful line to cast and present small nymphs and dry flies, with easy mending. 

We hope you all had a great Christmas and manage to get some great fishing time in over the holiday period. Come see us for any help with jigging, trolling & fly fishing gear! We can replace lead lines and spool up new lines in store while you shop. Cheers and see you out there! 
