Saturday 29th June 2024

Saturday 29th June 2024

Weather: Partly Cloudy with low winds


Tongariro River Flow: 28.5m3/sec


The long weekend has brought plenty of anglers onto the Tongariro and surrounding rivers trying to get amongst the fresh run fish. There have been varying reports of fish captures as the rivers are getting quite low and clear again. As always, these conditions suit the angler first on the water in the morning and those willing to cover a bit of ground and find where they are holding.

I recently got out on the water with Hayley and got into a few fish. I have been finding more and more fish in towards the swifter, main current towards the tail out of the runs. I found a mixture of fresh and more spawny fish, with jacks and hens mixed in together. I had best success on more natural fly patterns such as the #14 Hare and Copper by Category 3, given the clear water and bird activity feeding on small hatching bugs. There's certainly plenty of fish around there for the catching!


The Sporting Life guides have been going strong lately, keeping busy and getting into plenty of fish. For those willing to invest in improving their fishing skills or simply to go out for a great time on the river, get in touch as winter dates seem to be filling up quick!