Sunday 25th August 2024

Sunday 25th August 2024

Weather: Cloudy with rain forecast from tonight onwards for the rest of the week.

Tongariro River Flow: 29.3 cumecs (m3/sec)

The local rivers are still fishing excellently with reports of plenty of prime conditioned silver hens being landed following the spike in river flow earlier in the week. Today the river flow suggests a shift back from bright eggs to lightly weighted naturals & the green caddis patterns, of which we have plenty in store. And for the spey fishers, olive & black lightly weighted woolly buggers are on the menu today.

I have been working on my roll casting to access tighter spots with vegetation right up to the river edge & no room for a back cast, with the Rio Elite Indicator - Tongariro Roll Cast Line on my 6wt Sage R8 Rod which has been a lot of fun & provided fishable spots where the more popular spots & pools have anglers already there having a good time. 

Wally & I hit the Tongariro on Tuesday afternoon and I gleefully watched him land some lovely fresh chromers on his killer home-tied eggs with The Bug Shop Glo Bug Yarn in varied colours.

Gary has been having fun on his spey set up with the higher flows earlier in the week which shall be repeating this week with more rain on the way! His set up is great for starting with the Redington Behemoth Reel, Rio Skagit head & Redington Dually II Switch Rod.


We are looking for a Simms wading stick & belt, left at the Kohineheke Reserve (true left lower reaches) car park on Wednesday 14.8.24. Please hand in to us if you found it.

Have you lost gear on the river this season? Please come in and ask us what you have lost so we can reunite various items that the compassionate angling community have handed in.

Keep enjoying the fishing guys and girls!
