Tuesday 18th of June 2024

Tuesday 18th of June 2024

Tongariro River Flow: 35.7 m3/sec   Weather: Sunny 

Yesterday's rain has provided a much-needed boost to the fishing system, and reports were very encouraging to hear so keep em coming along. This weather should remain overcast/sunny until the weekend, but we shall see how it will unfold as we go. 

Graeme seized the chance to escape the city and return to the Tongariro for another great day on the water. He caught some fantastic fish whilst fishing the upper pools, making the trip well worth it. 


We have recently done a full restock of all colours in our "The bugs shop Glo Bugs Yarn" so if you are thinking of doing some fly tying in preparation for winter fishing missions, get in quick!

**A fly box was recently found on the lower Tongariro river, call 0273303805 if you know who it's owner may be**