Tongariro River Flow: 21.0(m3/sec)
Weather: Isolated showers, turning to widespread and heavy rain for a while this afternoon. Clearing this evening as northerlies strengthen and turn westerly.
Finally, some rain is incoming. Hopefully this brings the rivers up (at least a little bit). The river has come up 0.5 cumec overnight and hopefully a bit more today.
The fishing in the last few days has still been excellent. I've been having a lot of fun on my new Reddington Butter Stick #5 glass fly rod, chasing browns in the shallows and finding they have been quite responsive. Especially on smaller nymphs, down to size #18 with a copper bead, or unweighted Sawyers Pheasant Tails. Target the faster/shallow water as they have less chance to think about it. I find in the slower pools; I get almost no attention from them. If the rains come that are forecasted, this could change some things, maybe even bring some more fish in. So, stay tuned for an updated report in the next couple of days.
Our customer Allan has been having a lot of fun with his two-hander rod recently, swinging wet flies, and getting some stunning fish. He has been using his new Sage R8 Trout Spey.
We have just done an order of Wee Wet Flies, lumo dolls and nighttime flies, Booby flies and some buggers in different variations. They should be in sometime today or tomorrow, so come take a look later this week.
There has been a mix of Mayfly and Lace moth on the surface, Garry has been rotating through these flies and still pulling in some cracking fish.
Boaties are finding the trolling difficult, with only a few fish here and there getting caught. Kuratau side has been slowing down, and people are picking up more fish on the Motuoapa side with jigging smaller smelt. The night fishing at the mouths has been patchy, but this should increase over the couple weeks.
Tight Lines everyone,
The Sporting life Team.