Wednesday 12th June 2024

Wednesday 12th June 2024

Weather: Partly Cloudy with low wind

Tongariro River Flow: 28.0m3/sec

Today is looking like a beautiful day here on the central plateau. Given the rain we have just had it is a great time to go fishing. With the Tongariro and surrounding rivers now clearing, some pods of fish should be moving through the system if you are able to find them! Wet lining in the first few hours of light seems to be an effective way to catch at the moment and is an efficient way to cover those larger expanses of water on the Tongariro.

Throughout the last week of fishing the Tongariro I have managed to find plenty of catchable fish to keep me entertained, with many well-conditioned fish in the river. Some pools are starting to fill up with fish showcasing spawning behavior. In amongst the more visible, darker spawning fish there are often plenty of fresh fish hidden in there that are just a bit harder to see. Reasonably heavy yet natural tungsten beaded nymphs have been working well for me and getting the flies down deep and in front of their mouths has been helping me to be successful.

The forecast seems to be predicting a lot of rain for the next week so the classic winter fishing on the Taupo rivers might be upon us soon! Sporting Life is your one stop shop for any fishing gear you might need in preparation for what's setting up to be a great winter of fishing!