After a couple of brilliant sunny days some cloud began to drift over us about lunchtime and it became a little breezy, it's nice and sunny again this afternoon but the wind has stayed. The boaties who were out early got the better of the lake conditions but the lake was probably a tad choppy this afternoon.
There might be a shower or two over the next couple of days but it shouldn't be too much of a worry. The Tongariro is very fishable at 26cumec but the river rocks are quite slippery and care must be taken when working the edges or attempting crossings.
With the warmer days the Cicada have begun buzzing up a storm and hungry Trout are looking up for a feed of these chunks of protein. It's time to start showing them some of Carty's Cicada flys and get some visual eats. There are plenty of hungry recovering Rainbows that will gladly grab these but some solid Brown Trout have now moved into the Tongariro and will also be looking for a feed. We are well stocked with plenty of dry flys both instore and online so grab a handful and see what you can tempt.
Jigging has begun to pick up and our jigging combos have been disappearing out the door. Trolling and harling is still reliable and will get some action. With large numbers of recovering fish that were washed out of the spawning streams from all the flooding last year and all looking for the smelt to pack on condition there'll be a few of these skinny to sift through.
The Sporting Life Crew enjoy this time of year for it's varied methods of getting a bend in ours rods so drop in and see us to pick our brains and get geared up.