Sunday 17th November 2024
Weather: Sunny today with highs of 18C Tongariro Flow: 40.3 cumecs (m³/s) The Tongariro is back down to a great flow from the 330 cumec heavy flow we saw in the past 48 hours. The water is still coloured nicely,...
Weather: Sunny today with highs of 18C Tongariro Flow: 40.3 cumecs (m³/s) The Tongariro is back down to a great flow from the 330 cumec heavy flow we saw in the past 48 hours. The water is still coloured nicely,...
Another beautiful clear sunny day in Turangi, with the Tongariro flowing at 27.6 cumecs, she's still low and clear. Natural patterns, light tippet and small lightly coloured indicators will be the way to go today; stealth mode! I have been...
Tongariro River Flow: 26.8m3/sec Another beautiful day in sunny Turangi with the weather forecast nice, clear and sunny for the next few days with some cold starts! Back to the future...Rebecca Anderson featured on the Sporting Life fishing report back...
it was a blue-sky morning that has led to an overcast end to the week here in Turangi. Thankfully the strong winds have dissipated........ for now, at least 😅. The Tongariro is still low and still clear currently flowing at...
Yet another bright sunny day on the central plateau with a chilly southwest breeze. The Tongariro is still flowing low and crystal clear currently sitting at 30.2m3/sec. these clear conditions have made fishing challenging for most but for those willing...
Today started out gloomy with low cloud and it hasn't changed much through the morning. No rain to speak of as yet but a shower or two is predicted for later in the day, the wind has stayed away for now...